Developing an Integrated European Mediation Curriculum 2020-2023
Mediators enter conflict situations to de-escalate emotional tension and create an environment where conflict can be resolved or managed more constructively. Trained mediators have the knowledge and skills to identify and address a wide range of conflicts: from war and civil disruption; community; family; workplaces; and commercial to name but a few. Competence of the mediator is key – within their own culture and in improving cross-cultural understanding. This exciting EU funded project brings together pre-existing mediation training providers and strategic partners across the EU to combine their experience in designing an integrated European mediation curriculum. Join us at www. to find out more.
The goal of this project is to provide an European platform for mediation training and services. Developing an integrated European Mediation Curriculum, drawn from the regional curriculum in partner countries, offers the opportunity for certification in a number of EU countries. Building on this training, the project will design additional training for mediators so they will understand alternative dispute resolution and mediation processes across the EU while gaining the skills to mediate in different EU cultures. A European mediation network has already developed. This will be strengthened further as the project creates shared understanding on training design and delivery; greater understanding about certification requirements; integrated training processes to promote intercultural awareness; and EU specific resources and publications.
The project participants include both training partners (Consensus, Germany (lead); Hungary Foundation and Mediation Centre, Hungary; Associozione Med.Dia.Re., Italy; Dialogue BV, Netherlands; Centuri Mediacji Partners, Polska, Poland; ICFML, Portugal) and strategic partners (Centre of Arbitration and Mediation of Europe (CAME), Italy; Mediators’ Institute of Ireland (MII), Ireland; Military University, Germany). All partners believe in the effectiveness of mediation. They have a commitment to the highest standards of mediation training, and continuing professional development for mediators within their own countries.
The project will deliver four specific outputs during the three years. Firstly, the design of a shared framework of mediation training. Secondly, the mapping of a training route for mediators, from initial training and certification to developing their practice across the EU. Thirdly, the development of a common European module (on-line and interactive) to strengthen the intercultural capacity of mediators. Finally, based on interviews with practicing mediators across the EU, publishing a pan Europe publication to support the education of EU mediators and their intercultural competence.
For more information:Â
Contact: Dr. Andrea Hartmann-Piraudeau
Mobile:Â Â +49 151 115 786 59
Email: Â