About Continuing Professional Development
The purpose of CPD is to ensure that Mediators keep their knowledge and skills up to date for the benefit of users of their service and for their own personal and professional development. CPD has an underlying ethical premise that asserts that clients have a right to expect competent and skilled practitioners. Thus every Mediator has a responsibility to maintain and develop knowledge and skills, and alongside the individual responsibility, lies the professional Institute’s obligation to provide the means whereby this can happen. Most professional bodies acknowledge that CPD is a commitment to lifelong learning with an emphasis on ‘home skills’, thus for the MII, the emphasis is on mediation skills. The MII requires that all practising Members complete a minimum of CPD hours and has agreed a CPD points system.
The following requirements for Certified and Advanced Membership are the minimum but it is anticipated that most Mediators will exceed the requirements. The requirements are grouped into three different elements to reflect different areas of practice development. In line with best practice, the requirements for each element stand alone.
Overall Requirement:
MII CPD requirements are on a one-year cycle for all practising MII Mediators made up across three areas as outlined below.
In addition MII Code of Ethics and Practice training must be undertaken by all MII members once every three years. Click for details for upcoming courses
Practice: 15 points (3 cases at 5 points per case*)
Live cases or equivalent MII role plays. *In the Family Sector this will require a mix of “comprehensive” cases and specific issue cases (e.g. parenting). Comprehensive means a case that deals with issues around the family home, e.g. parenting plan, maintenance, division of assets, etc.
Case Consultation: 8 points: Reflective Practice/Supervision; Reflective Practice and Learning
Active (ie. Case consultation/Reflective Practice/Supervision/Reflective Practice and Learning related to actual cases, and/or case presentation of own case) =10 points (1 point per hour) (2 points per hour if you present at a Reflective Practice and Learning meeting b. Peer Learning – books/articles/videos = 5 points (1 point per hour)
Training/Education: 8 points
Presentation of lecture/workshop: 2 points per hour
Presentation of paper at MII Annual Conference: 3 points
Attendance at relevant lectures/conferences/workshops/seminars: 1 point per hour.
Notes:Â At the end of each cycle you will be asked to submit a declaration as to the number of CPD points you have achieved in the cycle giving the breakdown within the 3 categories. The MII will randomly select a number of members in each year and ask them to substantiate their declaration. You should keep a log of the mediations conducted (this can be presented as the LOG with the names and identities of the parties removed), a log of the reflective practice and peer learning and invoices, conference papers or other materials to prove attendance. Where a complaint is lodged against an Advanced or Certified Member CPD verification will be sought.
The Council may, in its absolute discretion, require verification of a member’s CPD without attributing any reason for the request. Where a Mediator has not fulfilled the CPD requirements they may apply for exemption and have their case reviewed on an individual basis.
MII Code of Ethics and Practice
The MII Code of Ethics and Practice training must be undertaken by all MII members once every three years.
The course is delivered online over Zoom in two sessions of 1.5 hours each.
Click for details for upcoming courses.
Separating Couples training requirement
An additional 40 hours mandatory training is required for members who wish to be certified to mediate with Separating Couples. See Accredited Family Training for information and link to find upcoming courses.
Elder mediation training requirement
Additional mandatory training required for mediating with Elder clients. EMIN (Elder Mediation International Network) certification is required for members who wish to be certified in this sector. Details on the requirements of EMIN certification
See https://www.themii.ie/training/elder-mediation-training/ for details of training requirements and see https://www.themii.ie/training/course/ for upcoming courses by clicking on the  button.